
  • Q1. How do I join the Woodland Hills Club?

    Prospective members are required to complete an application for membership which can be found on the website www.woodlandhillsswimclub.com or obtained at the gatehouse. The completed application, which also requires the recommendations of two current members in good standings, should be mailed to the Club’s post office box along with a non-refundable application fee. Check website Membership page for current prices.

    Q2. What if I don’t know any current members in good standing?

    Visit the Club during the summer season (normally between 11 am and noon works best) and ask for the pool manager. He can discuss where you live and the schools your kids attend, if any, and through conversation quite possibly identify folks that you may already know, but did not realize were members of the Club. Due to privacy concerns, the Club does not make available a list of its members to the public.

    Q3. Is there a waiting list, and if so, how long can I expect to wait for Full Membership?

    Yes. The Club’s By-laws limit Full Membership to approximately 450 families. Given the length of our waiting list a wait of

    at least two-years can be expected.

    Q4. How much does it cost to join the Club?

    Full Membership entails the purchase of a share certificate which is refunded upon resignation from the Club, a one-time initiation fee and payment of the current year’s dues. Check website Membership page for current prices.

    Q5. Is there any way that I can use the facility before a Full Membership position becomes available?

    Yes. Each year the Board of Directors offers a limited number of seasonal Associate Membership to many of those on the waiting list. A fee is charged for the program. Check website Membership page for current prices.

    Q6. How will I know when my name comes to the top of the waiting list or if I will be invited to participate in the seasonal Associate Member program?

    Invitations for Full Membership are mailed in early February. Invitations for the seasonal Associate membership program will be mailed in early April.

    Q7. What if am offered Full Membership or the seasonal Associate Membership and choose to decline?

    Should you decline an offer for Full Membership your name will be removed from our waiting list and you must reapply for Full Membership and pay an application fee at a later date. Should you decline an offer for the seasonal Associate Membership, your name will remain on the waiting list at its current position.

    Q8. Are application and/or Associate Membership fees applied toward the initiation, bond or dues fees for new members?

    No. The application fee is non-refundable and simply guarantees you a position on our waiting list. The seasonal Associate membership fee is for the privilege of the using the facility for one season. Neither is applied toward new membership fees.

  • Q1. Who is considered a member?

    The Club’s By-laws define membership by family units. A “family” is considered to consist of husband and wife (or head of household) and all of their children living in the household.

    Q2. Are there any provisions for caregivers?

    Yes. The Club offers a monthly pass for a family’s caregiver (to be registered at the gatehouse) at a nominal fee which can be used in the absence of a parent.

    Q3. Can Full or Associate Members bring guests to the pool?

    Yes. However, guests must be accompanied by the Full or Associate Member and are limited to two entries per week. Guest passes may be purchased at the Gate House. Check website Membership page for current fees.

    Q4. Can the facility be rented for private parties or community events?

    No. The Club’s liability insurance policy limits the use of the facility to only club sponsored events.

    Q5. When does the pool open for the summer?

    The pool opens the Saturday of the Memorial Day holiday weekend and is closed the last day of Labor Day weekend, or beyond subject to Board approval.

    Q6. What are the hours of operation during the summer?

    The pool is open daily from 12:00-8:00 p.m. on weekdays and 11:00-8:00 p.m. on weekends. The pool opens earlier for lessons and swim team practice. Note: The safety of our members is a priority. The pool manager and/or his representative may choose to close the pool in the event of inclement weather, lightning, or unforeseen circumstances.

    Q7. How do I book a party at the Club?

    Speak with the Pool Manager to arrange party details.

    Q8. How can my child(ren) join the Swim Team.

    Full or Associate Members can speak with the Pool Manager at the Gate House for Swim Team membership details. Swim Team information can be found on the Swim Team page

    Q9. How can I reserve tennis court time?

    The tennis court reservation calendar is maintained at the Gate House.

    Q10. Are toys or inflatable rafts allowed in the pool?

    Only pool provided balls and pool noodles are allowed in the pool. Toddler floatation devices are allowed in the pool when with a care provider. Small plastic toys must be cleaned and sanitized before being brought into the baby pool.

  • Q1. Can I transfer my Full Membership to another party?

    A1. In virtually all cases, No. The only exception is that members are permitted to transfer their shares to an adult child.

    Q2. How do I resign my Full Membership from the Club?

    A2. See Page 4 Article III Section F of the Club’s by-laws: In order to resign your Full Membership you must submit your request in writing along with your endorsed Share Certificate to the Club’s post office box address.

    Woodland Hills Club

    P.O. Box 12861

    Pittsburgh, PA 15241

    Q3. Where do I endorse the Share Certificate?

    A3. The certificate must be signed by EACH named owner on the back-side, lower right-hand corner at the green line. Resignations postmarked after March 1st of that year will be subject to a $50 late fee.

    Q4. What if I can’t find my Share Certificate?

    A4. The Club uses a substitute document which must be signed and witnessed. Contact the Club’s business manager for more details should the situation arise. Send an email to woodhillsclub@gmail.com

    Q5. Is there any way to suspend my membership should I be unable to use the facility for any part of or the entire season?

    A5. No. The Club relies on the participation of all Full and Associate Members in order to meet its financial obligations.

    Q6. If I resign my Full Membership are there any provisions for rejoining the Club?

    A6. Members who resign in good standing are given a five-year period to rejoin the Club and receive preferential treatment on the waiting list. An application fee and new member fees will apply. Check website Membership page for current fees. Email any questions to woodhillsclub@gmail.com

  • 1. Must be at least 15 years of age

    2. Have current Lifeguard certification

    - if needed, American Red Cross Lifeguard certification courses are offered at the USC Recreation Center

    3. Mail a letter to Woodland Hills Club Pool Manager, including:

    - Full name, address, phone number, email address, age, any other qualifications or experience.

    - Photocopy of current Lifeguard certification card or form

    Mail to:

    Attn: Pool Manager Woodland Hills Club

    P O Box 12861

    Upper St. Clair, PA 15241

    OR email:


Fun for the Family

Where great memories are created.

Fun for the Family • Where great memories are created. •

Buy Stuff to Wear

Check out the new Woodland Hills Club merchandise at the pool! Cool white hats with the red Woodland Hills logo are all the rage this summer ($20).

Also, just in: stylish men's polo shirts (white) with the red WHC logo. These nice poly shirts come in sizes S, M, LG, and XLG ($22).     

Show your Club pride with these new fashion items! Every penny of the profit from merchandise sales goes to the bottom line for Club operations. So you can buy, wear, and contribute to keeping dues down at the Club simultaneously! Good deal, huh? Questions and orders for shirts: woodhillsclub@gmail.com



There are many fun activities to enjoy at Woodland Hills Club. A place where great memories are created.